Vital well maintenance undertaken in Jandama

With our continuing focus on maintaining the wells we have successfully drilled over the last 10 years, we have developed our specialised repair team to troubleshoot problems as they arise, as well as offering training in the villages to enable them undertake basic repairs themselves.

Jandama was a recent example.  Jandama lies in the Pejeh Cheifdom in the Pujehun region.


Although designed for longevity, it is necessary for our pumps to work hard to be able to continuously to support a village and provide sufficient water to the people in the area.  Inevitably as cylinders wear out, they become less effective at drawing sufficient water against gravity, so last week we arranged for the repair team to attend and replace this one in Jandama.   We supply parts through an NGO, which we are required to use if we are to act legally in Sierra Leone.

Fortunately our NGO is an organisation called the ‘PDO’  (Pujehen Development Organisation) the Director of which is our very capable and respected Senesi Fawundu who we have been working with for many years and has great influence in the area.  He has been able to source parts for us when we have not been able to ship them in ourselves.

Should this well have failed this village would be forced to revert to previous times where the only water must be fetched from a nearby pond infested with bacteria.   After drinking clean water for some time, the body’s resistance to waterborne diseases diminishes and associated risks increase the likelihood of sickness.  It is therefore essential to keep these wells operational.  This repair was 100% successful and cost around £200. It will now last for several years.

We have a list of many villages waiting for well maintenance, we always need more funds.  If you feel you can support any of our wells and help maintain them to allow the amazing people in these villages to continue to enjoy unpolluted water into the future, please make a donation.  Any amount will be gratefully received and you will be helping save both children and adults alike from the dangers of drinking contaminated water.

Our donation page makes it easy to offer a few pounds, either as a single payment or if possible by a monthly donation.

Thank you.