Immediate Aim

The charity Alive & Well has always had a very clear, simple focus: Providing water wells for communities that no one else cares about.

We have recently developed a new phase to our work and created a 5 year strategic plan to deliver community led water source management across all communities we work with. Self sufficiency and sustainability rolled into one!

Our aims are still clear but have changed a little from when we started:

  • we will support the transition for village communities from being dependant on Alive & Well to community self-reliance
  • we will provide the training and support for villages to become self-sufficient
  • we will continue to provide funds for the provision of tools, spare parts and, where necessary, replacement pumps to support the village Well Committees as they take responsibility for their own wells and pumps
  • we will continue to work in close co-operation with our partner Pujehon Development Organisation (PDO) to deliver our aims


Future aims

When all of the wells that we have drilled are sustained by self-sufficient communities and Well Committees we will then re-embark on drilling new water wells in new villages that have none.
